Top Questions When Opening A Bar
- I am opening a bar next week. Do you have...? We will do our best to get your equipment out the door to you as fast if not faster than anyone in the business. Call us for a free consultation 973-512-2028
- How much will it cost? Be prepared to spend a few thousand up to $25,000. We are famous for doing a start up for low budgets but you also want to make sure you have cold draft beer. Not just draft beer.
- I just want a simple set-up to start. Then when I have made some money back I want to... Can you help me? Of course we will. Start off with a direct draw box right at the bar. Good for one to four kegs pouring right to dedicated towers.
There are so many options on how to start. Sometimes it is less money to go big right from the start. There are also ways to have the capability to add-on when you have more money but invest a little at the start so you are not tearing down walls and ripping out floors a year or two later. Here is an article on some bar style choices .
- How do I do get cold beer at home?
- Do I have to have a Walk-in?
No question is a bad question. We can walk you through the basics or assist you with a thirty tap multi-floor system. Call us when you need some straight answers on an economical, efficient and affordable quote. Buy what the Pros buy. The Kegman 973-512-2028