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FOUR One Gallon jugs of B-T-F Iodophor Sanitizer - 5018

SKU # 5018
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$289.95 /ea.
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  • A powerful sanitizer. Reduces spotting, filming and streaking in warm or cold water
  • Odorless and tasteless sanitizer is safe to use on all your brewing equipment: kettles, pails, tanks, vats, bottles and more.
  • Low-foaming formula is superior to other brands of Iodophor for brewing.
  • No-rinse concentrate requires only 1 tsp per 1 1/2 gallons and 2 minutes of contact time to be effective.
  • One ounce per 8 gallons of wash

    Listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production.
  • Certified by NSF as a sanitizer for food processing areas and shell eggs.

    For professional or home brewing and wine making
    Low foaming, no rinse sanitizer
    No residual taste or odor left behind
    Gentle on hands
  • Diluted iodophor is often used by brewers and winemakers to sanitize equipment and bottles. Its major advantage over other sanitizers is that when used in proper proportions, it does not require rinsing. However, it can leave unattractive orange-brown stains on plastic parts and equipment if left in contact with them.