Scroll below to see a demo.
Cold. Sparkling. Bubbly. Wet. Bubbles burst in your mouth. You made it. You own it. Our DIY basic Seltzer Kit lets you control it all. There’s the noise, the phfttttt of the water being carbonated. There’s the cold bottle in your hands. There’s the delight of splashing yourself when you first open your fresh cold seltzer. (Rookie move.) And then there’s the thirst quenching cold bubbling super wet drink going down your throat. What an experience. Seriously. Nominal waste. Refillable gas tank. "I made it. I own it. I made a difference to our planet. Today."
Can’t get to the store to pick up the ecologically damaging canisters for your instant soda machines. (Please, no.) Don’t want to go to the dump to dispose of your seltzer cans or glass bottles? Make your own seltzer re-using your soda bottles. Make seltzer at home. Make YOUR seltzer at home.
- Have your own CO2 tank? Buy this kit #5890 (above).
- If you want this kit with an empty 5lb CO2 tank buy #5889.
- And if you want this kit with a filled CO2 tank buy Kit #5886.
Our Soda Carbonating Kit - for your Home #5890 includes
- High pressure commercial Soda Regulator - DO NOT use your old (low pressure) beer regulator ( Due to Covid and Economic supply issues we have the option to switch to another body style regulator. All equipment is industrial strength. One is not better than the other)
- Three foot (3') high pressure Braided Beverage-Grade Hose - DO NOT USE red vinyl hose as seen in cheap kits.
- The Disconnect and STAINLESS STEEL Carbonating Cap
- Soda bottle
- Wrench
- Quick and easy thirst quenching recipe
- Fully assembled with all connections in place
- To include TANK see #5889
Quiz: Which is the rookie move?
a. "I used my beer kegerator gear and my soda isn't carbonated enough."
b. I used the brass parts that I got from BIG BOX BEER STORE. I know KEGMAN told me that was poisonous."
c. "I just got splashed with carbonated water. I must have not FILL IN THE BLANK."
d. No liquid is getting through my hose. I think it's going to burst.
e. All of the above.
Answer: E. All of the above. A. Don't use beer gear for seltzer. B. Brass fittings from a beer store can make you sick when using them for seltzer, kombucha, wine products, etc. C. Our gear comes with full instructions. And we use stepless clamps vs. radiator clamps. D. Kegman provides a beverage-grade hose and comes fully assembled and tested prior to shipping. Call us and we will guide you to getting the best, coldest, bubbliest, safest seltzer right in your home. Nominal work. No waste. Kegman. Products you can trust.
Questions? Call us. 973-512-2028
For the more experienced and adventurous see #5500.